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Neue Rubrik: Tagungshinweise & Calls

20. August 2007

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Redaktion Zeitschrift Schreiben


The International Writing Centers Association (IWCA) invites applications for editorial leadership (i.e., co-editors, editorial teams, single editors) of the Writing Center Journal (WCJ). Candidates will be screened according to the following criteria:

  • Broad understanding of writing center scholarship and of rhetoric and composition studies;
  • Experience with writing center administration and board service with regional writing center associations or the IWCA;
  • Ability to marshal institutional support to sponsor the Writing Center Journal and its editors (e.g., course off-loads, cost offsets, administrative support, etc.);
  • A record of publication and/or editorial experience with peer-reviewed journals, which may include experience with managing the financial and logistical aspects of journal production, serving as manuscript reviewers, being involved in the production of an academic journal.

To apply, candidates should present the Selection committee with:

  • A written statement laying out the candidate’s or team’s editorial vision for the WCJ;
  • A letter from an appropriate representative of the candidate’s home institution that outlines the kinds of support that will be provided to sponsor the WCJ;
  • A current CV;
  • A sample of published writing;
  • A response to a sample manuscript (to be provided once the other materials are on file), or a sample editorial response that has been provided to a writer in the past.

By October 15, applications should be addressed/emailed to:

Harry Denny

Institute for Writing Studies

St. John’s University

8000 Utopia Parkway

Queens, NY 11439

[email protected]

(718) 990-6919 (office)

(718) 990-2172 (fax)

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