
Schreiben is an international Open Access journal dealing with academic, educational and professional writing. It is aimed at writing experts from all these fields.

The journal Schreiben has an interdisciplinary orientation and is available to all individuals and professional communities who wish to contribute to the emerging discourses. Possible forms of contributions include research articles, theoretical essays and analytical evaluations of writing didactic and writing counselling practice with reference to the current specialist discourse. Contributions in English are also welcome.

European Journal of Writing welcomes unpublished original manuscripts relevant to the theory and practice of writing or with a major concern for writing in its various didactic contexts.

The editorial committee decides whether to accept a paper on the basis of an external anonymous peer review procedure. Manuscripts are accepted in both German and English. See our Guidelines for Contributors.

Editorial office “Zeitschrift Schreiben”

Article submissions

Please note our notes for authors.

Please consult our Guidelines for Contributors.

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